
meetup logoThe following list describes the events Living Poetry organizes in the Triangle. See the Living Poetry Meetup for our current calendar, individual meeting details, and to sign up for poetry events:

Poetry Brunch
Once a month we get together reading poetry and discussing all things poetry in our lives while enjoying a delicious brunch at Panera in Brier Creek. We also share book recommendations, tips on the craft and writing process and quite a few laughs.
Frequency: 1st Saturday of each month.

Monday Poetry Prompts
Every Monday a prompt is posted to Living Poetry blog. You can follow the prompt exactly or let it inspire you to write about an association to a long forgotten memory. You could then, if you wanted to, send it to our Virtual Workshop (see below) for feedback.
Frequency: Mondays

Sharing Creativity (poetry workshop)
Once a month we come together critiquing our poems. These workshops require preparation. Your poems will be circulated prior to the workshop and you are expected to review and provide feedback before the session.
In addition, we are entertaining a lively Virtual Workshop where members can submit poems for critique without leaving their homes. To participate in the virtual workshop, please go to Living Poetry on Meetup (link above) and sign up for the next Virtual Workshop on our calendar.
Frequency: Monthly

Poetry Book Club
The Living Poetry Book Club consists of a small group that meets monthly to discuss poetry collections, anthologies or poetic craft. Members take turn selecting the books and hosting the book club discussions in their homes. We currently have 6 dedicated members. Every so often we open for new members. If you are interested in becoming a member, please contact us.
Recently, we have added an online poetry book club to allow for flexible participation from the convenience of your home and to invite out of state participants.
Frequency: Monthly

Germination Workshop
Can’t find the time or inspiration to write? Come to one of our Germination Workshops where we spend two hours writing to poetry prompts from a thesaurus, coffee table art books, postcards and dice.
Frequency: Quarterly

Poet’s Lounge
Getting together for a glass of wine or cup of tea to discuss our latest projects, successes, and misfortunes as writers, plus our plans for the future. We might share the latest piece we have been laboring over. Held at various Triangle wine or coffee shops.
Frequency: Sporadically.

Exploratory Poet
These events are chosen to inspire our writing. We will meet to enjoy nature, an exhibition or cultural event, allowing time afterward to write. We typically combine our excursion with lunch or dinner – participation voluntary! In the past, we visited the North Carolina Botanical Garden in Chapel Hill, Ayr Mount in Hillsborough, several exhibits at the Nasher Museum, Duke Homestead in Durham, and the North Carolina Museum of Art in Raleigh.
Frequency: Sporadically.

Poetry On Demand
This unique event puts our poets on the spot: With one word and a $1 donation anyone can ask our poets to write a poem in 3 minutes. This is not a long time, but our talented poets have managed to make folks laugh and cry and propose marriage! — In the past, we have been invited to charity events in the Raleigh/Durham area. We love being part of the community and to put the money to a good cause.
Frequency: Sporadically.

Poetry Podcast (disbanded)
Several times each year Living Poetry Organizer Bart Barker will host and post a poetic discussion anywhere between 30 and 60 mins. We inform our members via email when a new podcast is posted. Visit our Poetry Podcast Archive.

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